Corporate Governance: Roles and Responsibilities

The corporate culture of the Board of Directors should foster excellence, be ethical, fair, transparent and should act in the best interest of the corporation. The Board's functions should be clearly defined and the members should be independent from management where possible.

We are versed in all the requirements to comply with Securities Commission and TSX regulations, and can assist companies to refine the roles and responsibilities of their Board members to create the best fit for the corporation and security holders.

Universal Solutions approaches the broad range of responsibilities of the Board of Directors proactively, recognizing the need for consistent oversight and professionalism.

We do so by assessing the needs of your company and working closely with you to transform your Board of Directors and Audit Committees to achieve your corporate objectives.

Universal Solutions Inc., facilitates the updating of the roles of Boards and Audit Committees and assists in tailoring the Board Mandate, working with our clients to explore topics such as the redefining of Board responsibilities, educational support, Board composition, and rules for independence.
Copyright 2007 Universal Solutions Inc.